Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

Perception and Power: Shilpa Gupta

George September 22, 2023

Shilpa Gupta (b. 1976) is a Mumbai-based conceptual artist who reflects upon ideas of identity and power in her work. In a practice that spans a wide range of mediums, Gupta often employs participatory elements and incorporates technology to invite audiences to consider critical and sensitive social issues concerning religion, conflict and censorship, among others. 

In the early years of the millennium, one of Gupta’s first interactive internet artworks, Blessed-bandwidth.net (2003) garnered much attention. This innovative work from the early days of public internet service in India anticipated the interplay of the real and the virtual that is now central to our lives. The work’s website invited visitors to choose a faith, based on which they could be blessed digitally. As we see in these screenshots, when people explored the website, they encountered various regulations and announcements related to worship. By transforming this act of prayer into a transactional, convenient and deliberately consumerist experience, Gupta’s work offered a powerful critique of the relationship between capitalism and religion.

The home page of a website shows a drop-down menu for the choice of religion and other supporting text like ‘Get Blessed, Feel Secure’.

1. Blessed Bandwidth.net, 2003

Shilpa Gupta, Net Art, Variable Dimensions

Courtesy of the artist, Commissioned by Tate Online

A web page titled ‘Hindu Siddhivinayak Temple’ with a picture of the temple and English instructions on securing blessings.

2. Blessed Bandwidth.net, 2003

Shilpa Gupta, Net Art, Variable Dimensions

Courtesy of the artist, Commissioned by Tate Online

A verification web page with an English warning message in a pop-up box stating, ‘Everybody please remove footwear. Women please cover your head. Menstruating women not allowed beyond this point’.

3. Blessed Bandwidth.net, 2003

Shilpa Gupta, Net Art, Variable Dimensions

Courtesy of the artist, Commissioned by Tate Online

A web page showing multiple geometric eye motifs in the background with various English pop up messages such as ‘I love you’, ‘Remove all thoughts’ and ‘Are you happy’ from ‘God’ in the foreground.

4. Blessed Bandwidth.net, 2003

Shilpa Gupta, Net Art, Variable Dimensions

Courtesy of the artist, Commissioned by Tate Online

A verification page of the religion ‘Mausoleum of Saint Hajaili’ shows an English warning message saying ‘Do Not Panic, You Are Being Watched. Get Blessed, Feel Secure. Order Issued by The State’.

5. Blessed Bandwidth.net, 2003

Shilpa Gupta, Net Art, Variable Dimensions

Courtesy of the artist, Commissioned by Tate Online

Gupta’s works have since explored a range of issues using a variety of materials and strategies. Watch the video below to learn more about her practice!


Perception and Power: Shilpa Gupta

To learn more about Shilpa Gupta’s conceptual artworks, we recommend the following articles from the MAP Academy website!

Further Reading